Isn’t it time to get rid of that outdated database!
In our ongoing “Search of a Membership Database Series”, we have prepared a quick look at StarChapter Membership Management Software for local chapters in this database software review.
Please note that this summary below is not intended to provide our full software review but rather should serve as a quick snapshot of the StarChapter software database.
For those interested in learning more about StarChapter, we have prepared a detailed “Smart Report” for executives in the not for profit industry who would like the full view.
The full report is available upon request and must be verified by our staff. The database software review provides 25 plus pages of detailed information about the database reviewed including background on the company, functional capabilities, screen shots, client reviews, pricing, & support capabilities in an easy to read question and answer format.
Review of StarChapter
Membership Software
Introduction to StarChapter:
Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with the sales team at StarChapter to review their solution and visit with their team members. In short, I found StarChapter team to be very affable and supportive in their efforts to help the association community. In terms of the software, I found it to be a very member-friendly association management solution which is designed to provide a solid solution to local association chapters across the United States and Canada. From their history and client base, they work extensively with local chapters and have a sprinkling of national associations, association management companies (AMCs), and state membership-based organizations in their customer base. Like all membership software platforms developed today, there is a story and maturation process which takes place over time with their tool. And, per their team members, StarChapter was founded in 2008 when developer and volunteer board member Ryan Felps stepped in to improve his chapter’s website. He quickly realized how difficult it is to manage the chapter using multiple solutions that don’t go hand in hand. His board ended up spending hours doing repetitive tasks and still ran into difficulties.
This apparently inspired him to create one member-friendly software to manage and increase the efficiency of his chapter. The chapter was so successful that soon, other chapters in the association were asking how they could also benefit from the software.
Hence, the evolution of StarChapter.
Brief Summary of StarChapter Membership Software:
The StarChapter platform helps associations grow a chapter’s membership, attendance, and revenues and achieve lasting board productivity, even when the board changes.
Their solution is member-friendly software and helps local chapter leaders with management of functional areas such as event registration, membership, communication, content, website, and eCommerce in one secured software. It even offers special tools for different board members to better perform their tasks, from the president to the treasurer as well as paid admins and AMCs.
StarChapter has responsive and customized website layouts. Like all software, it is only as good as the partner’s ability to service your needs. And, like many Tier IV/III solutions, they provide dedicated StarChapter specialists for setting up your service, 24/7 online technical support, and ongoing board training webinars. In addition, they are continuously enhancing and developing more features and services to fit their client’s needs.
Key Functional Areas Which StarChapter Software includes?
StarChapter is designed from the ground up for chapter management needs. There are many of the key features which you would expect from most entry level association management software providers in the market today. Here are a few to make note of below:
1. Membership Management Services:
Accurate member and prospect data is critical for the success of any organization. StarChapter can simplify the way you manage, organize, update, and reconcile member and non-member records. With the membership management tools, members can self-manage their records, update profile and contact information, and set privacy settings.
2. Event Management Services:
StarChapter helps manage the complete event registration cycle in one place. You may set up your board meeting or event information to display on the website, email invitations or announcements, ticket prices and rates. By all accounts, it has simple yet professional looking registration forms that are integrated on your website make the entire process member-friendly. You can also track registrations, no-shows, cancellations, revenues, member and guest counts, print badges, send invoices and receipts, and even manage walk-ins.
3. Communication Management Services
Many associations are challenged by disparate systems. With this solution, you may send out newsletters, event invitations, surveys, dues reminders or welcome new members in minutes. With everything in one place, you can even create targeted emails from the information that is already in the system, saving you time and keeping a professional look.
4. Website & Content Management
All in one systems usually have a built content management system. And, with this system you are able to produce and manage a new website. With a StarChapter website it includes everything your members need right out of the box, customized website to fit your chapter. Many types of contents are included in your StarChapter website such as blogs, forums, media, forms, and photos. You are able to drop kick disparate content management systems like WordPress.
5. eCommerce
An AMS should be able to handle eCommerce too. With StarChapter, you are able to create an online store to sell chapter merchandise or charge meeting fees to grow your chapter’s revenues. With StarChapter, you can manage payment processing in a secured software, fully integrated into your website. StarChapter offers many different solutions to fit your eCommerce needs.
6. Board and Management
Committee management is huge in most membership based organizations. With StarChapter, you will have special tools and reports to help different administrators on the board perform their jobs, such as president, treasurer, membership chair, and communication chair.
Where does StarChapter Software likely Fit?
Well, you don’t have to make a big stretch to guess this answer. But, as their name suggests, they work very well with local chapters of associations.
But, the name may be misleading. Based on my review, t I have found is that it is very capable in competing with many Tier IV solutions and indeed may be a good fit at some state associations and even clients of AMCs too in order to help achieve lasting productivity.
StarChapter Membership Software Visuals:

<style type="text/css">#soliloquy-container-7212{opacity:1}#soliloquy-container-7212 li > .soliloquy-caption{display:none}#soliloquy-container-7212 li:first-child > .soliloquy-caption{display:block}</style><div class="soliloquy-no-js" style="display:none;visibility:hidden;height:0;line-height:0;opacity:0;"><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Screen-Shot-Responsive.png" alt="StarChapter Review of Responsive Design" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Badges-1.png" alt="StarChapter Membership Software Badges" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Badges-2.png" alt="StarChapter Membership Software Badges" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Membership-Reporting-2.png" alt="StarChapter Membership Software Review" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Email-Reporting-1.png" alt="StarChapter Membership Software Review Email" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Meeting-Reporting-1.png" alt="StarChapter Membership Software Review Meetings" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/StarChapter.png" alt="StarChapter Membership Software Review" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Individual-Meeting-Financal-Reporting.png" alt="Individual Meeting Financal Reporting" /></div>
Is StarChapter The Best AMS Software?
We don’t espouse to the belief that there is “one best AMS” for everyone. But, StarChapter may very well be your best fit.
However, to answer this question with certainty, we need to know more about what makes you unique. And, discuss other insights about this platform which we have curated, clients interviewed, and discuss more detailed information beyond just this summary.
Please know that our detailed analysis and expertise is available upon request. To be sure, our software analysis is not a “pretty brochure”, “marketing noise.” or a “sales pitch.”
Rather, we provide a free objective dialogue and insights designed to help nonprofit executives make a smarter software business decision.
If you are interested in some help with reviewing your options and comparisons, please check out our “vendor matching” services here.
Want More AMS Membership Software Reviews?
Please stay tuned to our ongoing “Searching for A Smart AMS Software” where we will continue to provide further insights into membership database software options designed for our 501(c) 6 membership focused organizations.
For the most recent published reviews, please click below:
And, to obtain a sample list of the database software reviews we have, you may follow the link here
If you work for an AMS database software system and you would like us to include your firm in our software review process, please contact us.
Until next time, keep SmartThoughts in mind. Happy Software Buying!
