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i4a AMS Membership Software Review

Writer: Sr. Software Adviser Sr. Software Adviser

Updated: Jun 22, 2021

i4A AMS Software Review for membership management

Isn’t it time to get rid of Microsoft excel as your database!

In our ongoing “Search of a Membership Management Software Series”, we have prepared a quick look at I4A-AMS™ (internet4associations®) Membership Management Software for associations in this database software review.

Please note that this summary below is not intended to provide our full software review but rather should serve as a quick snapshot of the I4A-AMS™ software database.

For those interested in learning more about I4A-AMS™, we have curated, interviewed, and prepared more detailed information for executives employed in the not for profit industry.

This report is designed for those who would like fair and objective insights into the capabilities of this membership software program. Our smart report and initial phone conversation is only available upon request.

AMS Review of I4A-AMS™

Membership Software

Introduction to i4A-AMS:

I4A-AMS™ is a private cloud hosted association management software solution licensed in a subscription model. All that is required is an internet connection and browser for staff and members to access. The licensing includes software support and upgrades.

Since it’s a hosted solution i4a take care of hardware, PCI compliance (for e-commerce), backups, updates, maintenance and security.

Brief Summary of i4A-AMS Membership Software: 

The purpose of i4A-AMS is to provide smart and simplified software to help with the management of an associations enterprise. For many using a sub par database, it has the potential to improve the presence of your organization and reduces your staff workload.  What I like is that  i4A-AMS™ provides a simple seat license, no limits on number of members, contacts or pages.  Further, your upgrades and software support are included.  

In our opinion, the solution is comprehensive, designed to meet many needs of an association and continually enhanced with the input of it’s users. With one easy to navigate interface, i4A-AMS™ software makes it simple for associations to manage all trade or professional association needs.

At it’s core, i4A is a database and content management solution combined to provide one integrated solution. By the nature of the integration, this permits an association to restrict content to your membership or any group or subdivision of your membership.  

Not only do you have the ability to manage your content and navigation, but unlike some Tier IV or Tier III solutions, the “design” or “theme” whichever you prefer to call it, can also be fully administered through the web admin interface.

Why is this important? It provides an organization the ability to select the designer of your choice for either the best price or best design. You can also have multiple designs within a single instance of the software, even micro-sites; multiple web addresses and navigation for special interest groups within your organization.

Key Functional Areas Which i4A-AMS Software includes? 

  1. Contact Management for Membership

  2. Content Management

  3. Interface for iPhones, Android phones and iPads; no need for a separate “app”.

  4. I4A Email Campaign Manager

  5. Financial Management including QuickBooks export

  6. Image library, resource directory, calendar and certifications management.

  7. Add-on features include a career center, buyer’s guide, discussion forums, abstract submissions, on-line store, on-line journals, classified ads, banner ads and more.

  8. WordPress integration

  9. I4A-Communities

  10. Survey Builder

  11. eCommerce Store

  12. Buyers Guide

Where does i4A-AMS Software likely Fit?

i4A is difficult to place into a simple box or category. But, reviewing the solution and further research on their customer base, it appears to find the most success in small associations with less than 10 staff.

Granted, this is simply a rule of thumb and each association is unique. But, this is a good rule of thumb for those starting their software search.

I4a-AMS Membership Software Visuals:

i4A Membership Software Review
i4A AMS Accounting and Financial Software Review

Detailed Software Review of i4A-AMS

Please know that we have detailed analysis and expertise of this product. And, it is available upon request. To be sure, our software analysis is not a “pretty brochure”, “marketing noise.” or a “sales pitch.”

Rather, we provide a free objective dialogue and insights designed to help nonprofit executives make a smarter software business decision. If you are interested in some help with reviewing your options and comparisons, please check out our “vendor matching” services here.

More AMS Membership Software Reviews?

For the most recent published reviews, please click below:

And, to obtain a sample list of the database software reviews we have, you may follow the link here.

If you work for an AMS database software system and you would like us to include your firm in our software review process, please contact us. Until next time, keep SmartThoughts in mind. Happy Software Buying!

i4a membership software review and comparison


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