In our our on going “Search of a Membership Software Series”, we have prepared a quick look at MemberCentral Membership Management Software in this membership software review. Please note that this summary below is not intended to provide our full report but rather should serve as a quick snapshot of the MemberCentral membership database software.
For those interested in learning more, we have prepared a detailed “Smart Report” for Nonprofit Executives who would like the full view. The full report available upon request from Nonprofit Executives provides detailed information about the software product, company, and support in an easy to read question and answer format.
Review of MemberCentral
Membership Software
Brief Summary:
MemberCentral® provides a single cloud solution for an association’s membership management needs. With MemberCentral (MC) an organization can do all the items an Association needs to do such as collect dues, manage billing and organize your membership data with one Web-based association management system.
The MemberCentral AMS is configured to work with how you do business to help streamline your processes. In addition, this membership management solution has one of the few integrated online distance learning solutions integrated within the AMS platform. In other words, it’s more than integrated. It’s truly built within the system. Further, learning management functions are more than just Webinars and on-demand programs, MemberCentral is truly a fully managed learning solution which includes marketing, registration, evaluations certificates.
Key Features which MemberCentral Software includes?
Customer Relationship Management – track notes, tasks and visual history of member activity.
Professional Lawyer Referral Solution – for bar associations with lawyer referrals.
Email Communication Blasts – integrated tools for mailing members based on groups and segments.
Full Accounts Receivable – Simplifies deposits, reconciliation, and auditing.
Single Portal – Single interface to view member activity and history with the association.
Website Management – Easy to use tools to add and edit content, access and login controlled by MC real-time.
List Servers – Single point of integration, member adds and drops controlled by MC real-time.
E‐Communities – Social Networking solution which provides committee, board and task forces work areas controlled by MC real-time.
File Share – Member driven ability to build and design full searchable document databases
Distance Learning Management – Integrated online CLE, Webinars, and Self‐Paced education through online store.
Directories – Customizable with social media links, photos, practice areas, awards, levels by MC real-time
Job Bank – Ability for members and non‐members to use an online job bank.
Store – Sell any product, including electronically delivered products, pricing based on MC real-time.
Search Engine – All items and documents are fully searchable, including items from TrialSmith.
Events, Calendars and Registration – Members do not need to login to register, rates controlled by MC real-time.
Groups Segmentation – Helps you segment, report and email members based on virtual groups association which can include their behavior in the association, payment history, membership, committees, custom fields and more.
Google Analytics and Site Metrics – Built in with Google Analytics as well as Site Metrics.
Where does MemberCentral Software likely Fit?
Small to Low Mid-Tier Associations which may be on the edge of Tier I (small association) to Tier II (Mid-Sized).
Their “Sweet Spot” likely is in the 8-15 staff range.
Professional Associations which have requirements centered around learning management and membership management needs. Ex. A good fit would be professional association communities such as Bar Associations with lawyer referrals needs.
Associations which require membership management, social networking, continuing education, & website management tools.
Key Functional Areas of MemberCentral Software?
Members, Memberships & Subscriptions (Member Login Portal).
Social Networking
Learning & Distance Learning Management
Continuing Education Management
Communications Management
Financial Management including Accounting (AR) with QuickBooks Integration
Website Content Management
A Quick View of MemberCentral Software for Associations:

Is MemberCentral AMS the Best Membership Software for Your Association?
We don’t espouse to the belief that there is “one best AMS” for everyone. But, MemberCentral AMS may very well be your best fit.
However, to answer this question with certainty, we need to know more about what makes you unique. And, discuss other insights about this platform which we have curated, clients interviewed, and discuss more detailed information beyond just this summary.
Please know that our detailed analysis and expertise is available upon request. To be sure, our software analysis is not a “pretty brochure”, “marketing noise.” or a “sales pitch.”
Rather, we provide a free objective dialogue and insights designed to help nonprofit executives make a smarter software business decision.
If you are interested in some help with reviewing your options and comparisons, please check out our “vendor matching” services here.
Want More AMS Membership Software Reviews?
Please stay tuned to our ongoing “Searching for A Smart AMS Software” where we will continue to provide further insights into membership database software options designed for our 501(c) 6 membership focused organizations.
For the most recent published reviews, please click below:
AarwinMEP (coming soon in 2021)
And, to obtain a sample list of the database software reviews we have, you may follow the link here
If you work for an AMS database software system and you would like us to include your firm in our software review process, please contact us.
Until next time, keep SmartThoughts in mind. Happy Software Buying!
