Isn’t it time to get rid of that Microsoft Access database! In our ongoing “Search of a Membership Database Series”, we have prepared a quick look at ClubExpress Membership Management Software in this database software review. Please note that this summary below is not intended to provide our full report but rather should serve as a quick snapshot of the ClubExpress membership database software.
For those interested in learning more, we have prepared a detailed “Smart Report” for Executives in the not for profit industry who would like the full view. The full report, is available upon request and verified by our staff. The database software review provides 30 plus pages of detailed information about the database reviewed including background on the company, functional capabilities, screen shots, client reviews, pricing, & support capabilities in an easy to read question and answer format.
Review of ClubExpress
Membership Software
I am excited to introduce ClubExpress membership software. It is exciting to me because while ClubExpress has been around for 13 plus years, it is actually new to me since I have not had the opportunity to take a deep dive into it’s capabilities. In my mind, it is an exciting new Software-as-a-Service platform designed to help membership driven organizations manage their front office and back office. In fact, they have a purported thousand plus organizations using their platform today. In my review, ClubExpress demonstrated a very capable combination of power, flexibility, and ease-of-use for smaller associations that are run by volunteers or a small, paid staff. Quite impressive!
Brief Summary:
ClubExpress provides smaller associations (up to 5000 members) with an Internet platform to manage both front-office and back-office operations. ClubExpress combines the association web site with the membership database, secure online member signup, renewals and expiration’s, credit-card processing, membership directory, discussion forums, event calendar and online registration, E-commerce storefront, committees, documents, interests and other modules based on what clubs and associations do. The platform includes a full suite of administration tools to run the organization. There is no programming or HTML experience required; everything is controlled by menus and dialog boxes, and all changes are immediately live. We use state-of-the-art security, there’s no advertising and associations own their data at all times.
Key Features which ClubExpress Software includes?
Content Management System
Website with areas for the public, members, and admins
Each member has own login to view member-only content and update a personal profile
Online signups, renewals, and expiration’s
Any number of member types, including memberships with multiple people
Expand the database with additional questions; answers in 20+ formats
Event calendar with online registration and payment for events
Built-in modules for document libraries, committees, member interests, blogs, FAQ, directory
Surveys module to create multi-page, multi-question surveys
Discussion forums including list server capability
E-Commerce Storefront module, including support for digital content
Volunteering module
Donations module
Built-in merchant account or you can use your own
Unparalleled support for multi-tier organizations (chapters, etc., up to 4 levels incl. top)
Blast emailings function
Powerful website design tools, including templates
Unlimited photos and photo albums
More than a dozen optional modules for an additional one-time fee
Where does ClubExpress Software likely Fit?
Smaller associations (up to 5000 members), run by volunteers or with a small paid staff. Membership-based organizations, including professional and trade associations, networking groups, business groups, chambers of commerce, regional associations. It’s not just small clubs!
ClubExpress Membership Software Visuals:

<style type="text/css">#soliloquy-container-7019{opacity:1}#soliloquy-container-7019 li > .soliloquy-caption{display:none}#soliloquy-container-7019 li:first-child > .soliloquy-caption{display:block}</style><div class="soliloquy-no-js" style="display:none;visibility:hidden;height:0;line-height:0;opacity:0;"><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/AdminControlPanel.jpg" alt="ClubExpress Database for Membership Associations" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/HomePage.jpg" alt="ClubExpress Online Database" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/MemberManager.jpg" alt="Membership Database ClubExpress Review" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/MemberManager_Snap.jpg" alt="Database Software ClubExpress Review" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/MemberProfile.jpg" alt="Database Software ClubExpress Review" /><img class="soliloquy-image soliloquy-no-js-image" src="http://www.smartthoughtssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/SupportResources.jpg" alt="Review of ClubExpress Database" /></div>
ClubExpress Software Demonstration:
Interested in learning more about the ClubExpress Database?
We have prepared a detailed “Smart Report” available for qualified executives interested in learning about our view of this database software. Please take some time to request your complete “Smart Report” by clicking below:
Please stay tuned to our ongoing “Searching for A Smart Membership Software“ software reviews where we will continue to provide further insights into other Membership Database Software and Donor database software options designed for 501(c) 3 organizations.
Is ClubExpress AMS the Best Membership Software for Your Association?
We don’t espouse to the belief that there is “one best AMS” for everyone. But, ClubExpress may very well be your best fit.
However, to answer this question with certainty, we need to know more about what makes you unique. And, discuss other insights about this platform which we have curated, clients interviewed, and discuss more detailed information beyond just this summary.
Please know that our detailed analysis and expertise is available upon request. To be sure, our software analysis is not a “pretty brochure”, “marketing noise.” or a “sales pitch.”
Rather, we provide a free objective dialogue and insights designed to help nonprofit executives make a smarter software business decision.
If you are interested in some help with reviewing your options and comparisons, please check out our “vendor matching” services here.
Want More AMS Membership Software Reviews?
Please stay tuned to our ongoing “Searching for A Smart AMS Software” where we will continue to provide further insights into membership database software options designed for our 501(c) 6 membership focused organizations.
For the most recent published reviews, please click below:
And, to obtain a sample list of the database software reviews we have, you may follow the link here
If you work for an AMS database software system and you would like us to include your firm in our software review process, please contact us.
Until next time, keep SmartThoughts in mind. Happy Software Buying!
