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Monetize Your Online Community Success
The goal of a non-profit community is not usually to make money. For most, it is to bring your constituents together in a secure and...
The Secret to Successful Member Engagement: Volunteerism
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, you vote every day about the kind of community...
Using Social Technology to Unlock Value & Productivity
Every non-profit organization has one thing in common with commercial enterprises – they want to achieve more with less. However, that...
Measuring Engagement With Your Database
Both for-profit and non-profit executives are seeking to maximize engagement by their constituents. In the 21st century, Nonprofit...
The Unique Needs of Nonprofit’s Financial Management Software
Financial Management Software offers many crucial business money management functions such as, budgeting, banking, planning, reports, tax...
Use Social Media Software to Make Membership Connections
If you’ve determined that your members are collaborating in Public Sites, perhaps you have begun to consider a Private Social Media...
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