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The Little Green Light CRM Donor Management Software Review
In our our ongoing “Search Of The Top Donor Database Software Series”, we have prepared a quick look at Little Green Light Donor...

CRM Software Review of NeonCRM
In our on going “Search of a Nonprofit Software Series”, we have prepared a quick look at NeonCRM in this article. Please note that this...

Missio Donor CRM Software Review
Are you still searching for the best suite of products to run your nonprofit efficiently? If so, the team at Missio™ believes that they...

Before You Even Call A Vendor: Know The 3 Buckets of Nonprofit Marketing Tech
Buying the software to power your nonprofit is an intimidating task. Your ability to fund-raise, advocate, and create meaningful change...

Virtuous CRM Software For Nonprofits Review
Isn’t it time to drop kick your outdated donor management software system for something virtuous!? If so, the team at Virtuous CRM For...

Super Tip: Join The Software Users Group
In our search to secure the best software database, we tend to seek just the right features to help achieve our mission. Right? We buy...

How to Avoid Donor Churn Rate with Technology
Whether you are starting a 501(c) 3 or trying to maintain one, coming up with fundraising ideas to keep your donors is always top of...

Excel vs. Database: Why A CRM Database is Better
Why do we need to spend so much money on a new database? This is a typical question many nonprofit executives get asked from their board...

3 Types of KPIs to Care About in Your 501(c)(3)
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for a 501 (c)(3) organizations seem to be the elephant in the room for many Nonprofits. For...

The Best Fundraising Idea of 2016? Retain your donors!
What is the best fundraising idea of 2016? Focus on retention! Yep, in the nonprofit sector, donor retention is imperative to the success...

Does Switching the “C” in CRM to Constituent Matter?
Does switching the “C” for customer to constituent in CRM tools for nonprofits matter? Donor relationship management as a concept is an...

Bloomerang Donor Software Review
In our our ongoing “Search Of The Top Donor Database Software Series”, we have prepared a quick look at Bloomerang Donor Database...

The Impact Of Engagement And Your Database
In the nonprofit world, we hear a lot about increasing the engagement of members, donors, and even volunteers. While this goal is...

The Architecture Decision in Nonprofit Software
By now you know that there are so many nonprofit software options on the market today. So, when reviewing different software for...

What is The Best AMS Software, Donor, CRM Software! Really?
What is the Best Membership Software, Donor Software, or CRM Software for Nonprofits? I field this type of question all the time. And, as...

Damn Good No-Nonsense Facts about Donor Software in 2015
As a fundraising management executive, you essentially function as the driving force behind donor acquisition and retention within your...

Top Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make in Software Selection
Software selection failures can haunt any organization. It is clear that all nonprofits need to be more careful than most due to the...

Why Donor Management Software is the Heart of NPO’s
Like it or not, a nonprofit organization is a business, just as much as any profit-making business. While the profit-making business has...

Keys to Achieving ROI of Membership Websites
Most would agree that taking some time to read a very good book to gain some perspective is a a good idea. Recently, I reread a good book...

Do NonProfits Need Customer Relationship Management Software?
The customer relationship management software (CRM) market has been growing at a fast pace over the last several years. In this article,...
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